06 September, 2023

Jyotish is right or wrong ?

 Jyotish, also known as Vedic astrology or Hindu astrology, is a belief system and practice that has been followed in India for centuries. It is based on the idea that the positions and movements of celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, can influence human affairs and natural phenomena. Jyotish is an integral part of Indian culture and is often consulted for various purposes, including determining auspicious times for important events, making predictions about individuals' lives, and providing guidance on various aspects of life.

Jyotish is right or wrong

Whether Jyotish is considered "real" or not depends on one's perspective. From a scientific standpoint, Jyotish is not considered a science, as it lacks empirical evidence and is not based on the principles of modern astronomy or physics. The claims made by Jyotish practitioners often do not hold up to rigorous scientific scrutiny.

However, it's important to recognize that Jyotish is a deeply ingrained cultural and spiritual practice for many people in India and other parts of the world, and it continues to be widely used and respected within those cultural contexts. People who believe in Jyotish often find it meaningful and relevant to their lives, just as followers of other belief systems find value in their practices.

Ultimately, whether one considers Jyotish to be real or not is a matter of personal belief and cultural perspective. It's essential to approach such topics with an open mind and respect for the diverse beliefs and practices that exist in the world.

As I am Belong to Jyotish Caste in Hinduism I have Some Personal Opinions that I described Below

Hay Guys!

I am Debabrata Nayak 

As you know you belong to a caste not in your choice it totally depends on your parents,
after that what you belief and disbelief is on your hand.

There are Various Religion in the word some of them other than Hindu are Islam, Sikh, Christian etc.

If you believe or not 

Everyone believes in god and everyone makes some predictions about features,
They use various types of methods for that.

As Hinduism is the oldest religion and it has many sub-castes so, I don't think blaming 
Hinduism is not good at all, for some fraud people You don't have the right to blame Hindu culture 
if you do that 
fist judge it in another culture This also happens in other Religions. 
Blaming every Religion is hilarious.

My personal Opinion

Let me explain it to you by a small story.
You know everything is made up of matter, and the matter is made  with particles and made with protons, electrons, and neutrons but,

Tell me one thing Where is the origin of these,

I am a Science Student and I believe science is true but in some cases, science even fails to Explain the reason behind it but our culture and mythology can. 

Even in the latter, this things are also proven by science.


If you ask me whether I obey Jotish Words or not?
My answer is if you have a weak mindset Jyotish can be your  good instructor,
But in today's world believing one blindly is not good for you
Believe in yourself, That gives you what you want...Even this is explained in Gita
Just do Your work, Work For that What you want that gives you success...
Everyone has the right to follow their religion and culture, Critisize it not so meaningful
Do your work because you have limited time. Don't waste your time
use it in your development. 
Don't Comment on Everything if you don't Compliment it.
Everyone has Good and Bad Characters,
I think learning good things like a bee collecting honey will push your life up.

I hope you understand it. Mr Dev

You can Ask me anything and I will Include it in the F&Q section for Other

F&Q on Jyotish Vidya

  1. Is astrology 100 percent true
  2. Is astrology true for career
  3. Vedic astrology is nonsense
  4. How much percent astrology is true
  5. Can astrology predictions be wrong
  6. Is astrology true for marriage
  7. Has anyone succeeded in life against astrological predictions
I don't think to answer these if you read my full article.

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